Sector alimentario

Ofrecemos una gran flexibilidad en los materiales de envasado, pesos de los paquetes y tiempos de entrega para adaptarnos a sus requisitos.

Los ingredientes de Unbar Rothon se suministran y producen en nuestras instalaciones homologadas de Essex, cerca de Londres.

Los ingredientes de Unbar Rothon se suministran por todo Reino Unido en nuestros propios vehículos y se entregan a clientes locales en Londres, Anglia Oriental y Sudeste de Inglaterra.  También exportamos a nuestros clientes internacionales en Europa, Asia, África y América.

  • Marcador

    Aberdeen Angus Beef Burger Seasoning


  • Marcador

    Alternatives to Chardex Smoke Powder from Red Arrow

    Alternatives to Red Arrow Smoke Flavours, including the Chardex Smoke Powder are available.  Contact our sales team for more information.

  • Marcador

    American Burger Seasoning


  • Marcador

    Anti-Listeria Agent for Food and Food Contact Surfaces

    Anti Listeria Agent is a specialist extract from smoke with anti micribial and anti bacterial effects, particularly against Listeria. This can be used in a food environment in contact with foodstuff on packaging, food prior to packaging or food contact surfaces such as rotary blades, where listeria can grow. 

  • Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Seasoning

    Baked Beans in Tomato Sauce Seasoning

  • Marcador

    Bakery Spice Pre-Mixes

    Are you stockholding too many ingredients?
    Is your stock turnover too low?  
    Perhaps it would be beneficial to buy your ingredients premixed?

    Let us look after the smaller ingredients you buy so you can focus on the value added part of your business…Baking! 

  • Marcador

    BBQ Burger Seasoning


  • BBQ Sauce Seasoning

    A range of BBQ sauce seasonings are availble with varying amounts of smoke bitterness, aroma, sweetness, spiciness, heat and so on.  We can include any functional ingredients to the seasoning to offer a single seasoning that contains all the dried ingredient components one product, and therefore one addition.

  • Marcador

    BBQ Sauce Seasonings

     BBQ Sauce Seasonings

  • Marcador

    Beef and Horseradish Sausage Seasoning

  • Marcador

    Beef and Mustard Sausage Seasoning

  • Marcador

    Biltong Seasoning

    Biltong Seasoning should not be confused with Jerky Seasoning.
    Other similar products include qwant’a seasoning, or coppiette seasoning.

  • Marcador

    Boerewors Sausage Seasoning

    Boerewors Sausage Seasoning may also be known as the similar Verse Worst.
    All types of Boerewors Seasoning available, including Garlic Wors Seasoning, Kameeldoring Seasoning, Karoowors Seasoning, or Spekwors Seasoning.

  • Marcador

    Breakfast Sausage Seasoning

    Breakfast Sausage seasoning is also known as Country Sausage Seasoning.

  • Marcador

    British Meat Product Seasonings

    Available as complete mix seasoning or straight seasonings.
    Unbar brand seasonings are available in a number of variants including:

    Black Pudding Seasoning
    White Pudding Seasoning
    Haggis Seasoning

  • Brown Sauce | Steak Sauce

    For use in authentic British style Brown Sauces, as well as Steak Sauces.